Thursday, May 17, 2007


Welcome to ESH Marks the Spot. My name is ESH Man and I'm a sex addict.

ESH stands for Experience, Strength, and Hope. In general, I'm not a big fan of program slogans for all the same reasons I'm not a big fan of clichés. Nevertheless, like clichés the slogans tend to reflect deep, long known truths. Also, I needed a name.

Why Blog about Sex Addiction?

First, I hope to make the focus blog much wider than simply my addiction. Part of my recovery lately has been focusing on those things that remind me of the other parts of myself and my life. Still, for better or worse, addiction is a big part part of my life right now. So is recovery.

I don't have any grand ideas about what this blog will become. OK, maybe I do. In the back of my mind I do have some hope that this could be a tool for me and for others to use in our recovery. Perhaps it can also be of some use to those who know (or suspect they know) a sex addict in their lives. Maybe too it can be a tool for my sponsor and therapist to know a bit more about what's going on with me.

The truth is I woke up this morning and had the inspiration to do a blog with my addiction/recovery as the central theme. I hope it helps me. I hope it helps others.

For now I have the comments feature set to open. As long as they tend be helpful or genuinely inquisitive and don't serve to trigger me or others, I'll leave it that way.



Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

I noticed you linked to my blog (A Room of Mama's Own), so I thought I'd drop in and say hi. I'll be interested in seeing how your blog develops. Best to you in recovery and thanks for sharing.

Slutty McWho? said...

Hello, I'm not a sex addict exactly but would classify myself more as a love addict, as I struggle mainly with emotional dependency issues. However, I am also aware that a lot of women shy away from the term "sex addict" and I do have to admit that I probably have issues in that area too. I hesitated writing this comment, as I am a sex worker at the moment (told you I had issues!), and there are probably a lot of things in my blog (at least in the earlier posts) which could trigger you or others struggling with similar issues. When I started the blog, however, I didn't classify myself as a sex or love addict and I now write more about my thoughts and feelings than sex work. My blog has evolved as I have. I hope that there will be some things there that you find worth reading but if you don't want to risk reading it, I understand.

I guess I just wanted to drop by to say hello and wish you good luck with your recovery. I need it too, as I'm just embarking on the journey of recovery.

ESH Man said...

Thanks Mary. Hello! I appreciate your encouragement. Good luck with you new blog too.

, said...

Hello ESH man. I know it must have been difficult for you to begin this blog, but it's well done and I really like it. I wish you all the best with your recovery.

My name is Ken and I'm a sex addict. said...

Thanks for starting your blog. Looks like we're both starting a journey here. I've enjoyed your insights so far.